Some of our worldwide staff-license purchasers have allowed their names to be listed here for employees to reference where they can download their purchase, while others have requested their names not be made public. A worldwide license has also been purchased for all U.S. Government employees to have prepaid access. Some of our instructor-led training courses are derived from these electronic publications (though not the hands-on exercises that are reserved for delivery by the instructors). A number of our world customers have supplemented their book purchase with the additional purchase of instructor-led training; please contact us if you are interested in having us deliver training at your site. Please remember our site- and worldwide licenses are staff-only licenses for personal use and personal print copies, and employees are not licensed to print, distribute or make available copies to anyone in any fashion. If you are not an employee of one of the companies listed and you would like to purchase a license, please see the instructions below. 1. Private companies1.1. Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPathThomson Reuters: 1.2. Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO(no companies have purchased worldwide licenses at this time) 2. If your company is not listedPurchasing a worldwide staff license is easy and is done with a one-time fee by either our preference of a faxed purchase order (with a purchase order number for tracking purposes and payable by a cheque ) on company letterhead or else by a credit card transaction through an Internet-based clearing house. Please see for more information about purchasing individual licenses, site-wide staff licenses and worldwide staff licenses. Mounting a copy of your purchase on an intranet protected from the outside Internet will give access to a copy of your purchase for all of your staff. Please do not mount this at an address that is publicly accessible. The worldwide staff license does not grant you permission to copy the book for your customers or non-staff contacts. We will give you a customized persistent link to our web site that you can give to your customers or non-staff contacts they can use to learn more information about buying their own copy. Each purchase includes perpetual no-charge updates to future editions of the title purchased, so your purchase is protected as long as Crane publishes new editions of the title. If you are a member of a large organization where you think your colleagues will benefit from one of our publications, please contact your staff training department or human resources and inform them of the opportunity we present to help them equip as many of your colleagues on staff as possible. 3. U.S. Government employeesThe following three items should be of interest to U.S. Government employees interested in XML and XSL technologies. 3.1. Prepaid copies of XSL books for free downloadAs a result of a worldwide staff license purchase by the U.S. Navy's Naval Systems Data Support Activity, we are pleased to make available our "Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath" and "Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO" electronic books to all U.S. Government employees worldwide (not contractors; please see below) in all departments. Pursuant to our standard update policy, all future editions of these titles will be made available at no charge. The NSDSA in Port Hueneme, California has very kindly offered to create a web form for access to a government Intranet location by all U.S. Government employees in all departments. NSDSA manages two-thirds of the Navy's technical manuals and is a central driver in digitizing and converting legacy Navy manuals into XML. Please visit this certificate-protected site to obtain the materials: ![]() REQUEST PAGE FOR USERNAME/PASSWORD: (linked from the NSDSA home page)
3.2. U.S. Government hands-on training instructionNote that if you are interested in having us deliver a week of hands-on XSL training on-site at your location, please do not hesitate to contact us for details. Some government organizations have used the "1556 Training Form" to engage our services for an on-site delivery. Note there is an entry in the U.S. Government Central Contractor Registry using the "Search CCR" function with the legal name "Crane Softwrights Ltd" (without using a trailing period). We have accommodated public and private class sizes from 5 to 55 students with expert instruction and have a long history of past deliveries. Our US Government in-house training instruction customers have included, among others, the Navy, Air Force, House of Representatives, Defense Intelligence Agency, and Joint Forces Intelligence Command. If you have six or fewer employees who need to be trained, it is more cost effective for you to send the students to our publicly-subscribed deliveries that we run ourselves or with hosts. Please let us know if you wish to host us for a publicly-subscribed delivery in your area where we could invite other departments or locally-based people to attend. 3.3. U.S. Government contractor organizationsWe have been asked repeatedly to clarify the applicability of the U.S. Government worldwide staff license to representatives of contractor organizations hired by the U.S. Government who happen to have a .mil, .gov or email address. This license is not extended to government contractors or other third parties who might have privileged access to the government systems where these books are made available to employees; therefore we ask that non-employees please respect our copyright and obtain your own licensees for these titles, though we recognize we can do nothing more about their security than placing the titles on protected government intranets. Please talk to your corporate procurement departments regarding obtaining copies for you and your colleagues. 4. Paper-based renditions of the booksPlease note these are electronic publications sold as PDF files only, not as paper books. If you are interested in paper-based publications, please see the renditions of earlier editions published by Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference. |
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